Fire Safety & Fire Equipment Handling
Course Description
The Fire Safety & Fire Equipment Handling Training Course is an Awareness Training which is a legal requirement that all employers must provide. It is designed to raise awareness of fire hazards in the workplace and how to act safely in the event of an emergency fire situation, including selecting and using a fire extinguisher. The course is also designed to train staff in your fire safety procedures.
Course Outline
- Definition of causes of fire
- Fire safety legislation (Overview)
- Understanding the physics and chemistry of fire Development and spread of fire
- Means of raising alarm
- Means of summoning the fire brigade
- Action on hearing the fire alarm
- Basic principles of fire prevention & Evacuation procedures
- Classes of fire and applicable extinguishers
- Portable fire extinguishers
- Methods of operation of fire extinguishers
- Fixed fire equipment installations
- Fire action procedure
- Practical demonstration in the use of foam, CO2 fire extinguishers & other Fire Extinguishers in Use
- Assembly point.
- Fire drills.
- Raising alarms.
- Access points.
- Exits.
- Safe use of fire safety equipment.
- Supervised live fire demonstration.
- Means of escape for people with Special Needs